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The main issues
for artists

Magic Music is a music marketplace that changes the way fans communicate and interact with artists, opening up ownership of music to anyone with a credit card. Now you can become the owner of a piece of music, receive gifts and opportunities from artists you believe in.

Magic Music is built on the belief that the next era of music will transfer power to artists and people who believe in them. We are paving the way for this future by expanding access to music ownership and investment.

Our model opens up access to music for the masses, benefiting both fans and performers.

Fans earn royalties and get exclusive access to special offers such as concert tickets, collectibles, one-on-one conversations and more.

Artists maintain control over their work, develop a community of fans and create a new source of income on favorable terms to continue to support and develop their careers.

Everything is fine

Just enter your email and set a password. Very soon we will add the ability to log in via social networks.

If you have purchased an item and it does not appear in your collection, then you can write to us using the feedback form — . We will try to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

A license for the non-commercial use of digital art associated with this product.

As well as all the additional benefits that the artist decides to include in the collection.

Artists must meet the following criteria to qualify:

1. Identity card

You must document that you are an artist, or that you are a representative of an artist.

2. Proof of ownership

You must own part or all of the copyrights and be able to provide evidence to our team.

We very often introduce various new benefits to artist collections. From royalties to collaborations with artists. Follow the news on our social networks to see the innovations. Also, you can contact us and discuss new benefits for your future collection.

Artists receive their income in the national currency of the country in which they are located. If you are in Russia, then you will receive income in rubles, if in Kazakhstan, then you will receive income in Kazakhstani tenge and so on. There are also payment options in dollars and cryptocurrencies.

Artists and their representatives can send requests – . After submitting the form, you will be added to the waiting list. When you are ready to activate, someone from our team will contact you, so keep an eye on our emails.